It's easy for me to carry around designed with a folded and its sturdy. They are very low to the ground, not like most lounge chairs which are usually higher, but i like that!!
It came packaged very well and no missing parts or hardware. I read many reviews that said assembly was a nightmare, but I thought it couldn't be that bad! It just took 2 hours for us to assemble with the help of instruction. The set is made of good quality wicker and I am very pleased, these are perfect to replace my rotted wood outdoor furniture.
Assembly was easy but the instructions could have been copied cleaner, the pictures were hard to make out. Overall quality is good and it looks great, just what we are landscape needed.
So far so good! My husband broke our first one right after we set it up. I bought this one in hopes it would work and it works great so far! We love it!
This tent is the perfect tent for all of your at home veggies. Is sturdy and was easy to assemble. Good access points and vents. So far, nothing to complain about.
The seating is larger than I expected which was a nice surprise. We honestly both feel good about this rocker. The best addition to our front porch! it's so comfy and sturdy!
They are just what I needed for my front porch. My neighbor assembled them with ease. They are gorgeous and extremely comfortable. My only issue is that I wish the armrests were wider! But for the price, it is a great buy. Love it!
For the price, it does the job. I live in an area at the base of a mountain where it is like always at least a little windy and this umbrella just twists and sways in the wind, doesnt stay put and looks like it will break in the not so far future (the pole doesnt stay twistedtl together). But well see. Water runs right off it, so thats nice. And it is good shade.
Set up took a long time, but it was simple. The pieces all fit, came with everything you need. If you're looking for 1500 dollar patio furniture, go pay for it. If you want something simple and usable, get this.
It's a pretty concept in the picture but a little difficult to sit in lol and the pillows that come with it are not the best quality I also had to but the stand seperately The quality of the swing chair is pretty good