I think there good for the price we paid. But pay attention to the screws because they seem to strip easily. Cushions are not that plush but for the price this was a great purchase.
This was easy to put together it's exactly what I wanted for my front porch. We love the design & how the seats fold & everything slides & stores itself. Simply beautiful and worth buying.
This is our first grow tent. Perfect, exactly what we were looking for to grow our herbs. Plenty of room inside to grow many or big. Im going to be getting another one of these in the future for sure.
Size of umbrella is awesome. The base is not properly displayed in the photos. It's too big for a standard table. It's really made more for a freestanding umbrella. We were able to modify it to make it work by cutting the base down, but it's still pretty large for under a table. Otherwise great umbrella - just better for a different use.