Look how absolutely gorgeous this backyard bench is! The flowers look delicate when balanced with the basket weave back and seat. I also appreciate how easy they were to assemble. There are a lot of pieces so it can look complicated at first glance when you see the instructions. It was easy enough to put together although there were some locking washers that were not included in the instructions.
The product was accidentally delivered at the wrong address. WayFair customer support was very nice and provided me with options to get it delivered to me!
Product came in quickly and correct!! I was able to put this together myself took a little bit but when I used my own tools the process was a lot quicker.
We are really happy with this furniture cover, it's really durable. It is good for keeping the furniture clean and protects well from the sun, pollen, and dust.
This is a nice patio set I must say! Good quality for the price & nice looking. It was not difficult to assemble. I read about assembly issues however when putting this to gather if you put ALL screws in only as tight as you can screw them with your fingers then go back and tighten them everything lines up fine. This was a nice surprise. Hopefully it will hold up against the weather.